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**Our clients get AMAZING results- but this is because they were committed to their success, applied the tools and lessons given in the course, and worked hard to achieve their goals. As a result, we must insert a disclaimer that we can not guarantee that your results will be the same.**

"Averaging $15K to $18K from the last 12 months consistently"
- Brice's Story
"Hovering around $8,000/month consistently"
- Patric Shannon's Story
"A business model that works for everybody all the time"
- Ben's Story
"Tripled income just from one affiliate site"
- John's Story
"Joined just 1 month ago and filled his calendar"
- Rob's Story
Meet Paul "Who had zero experience about this business model and within 6 weeks went from ZERO to making $1K a month..."
Started out brand new, didn't know anything about search engines, or Google maps when first started in this business model.
Been in the car business for 24 years and 2 years ago I stepped out of that because I wanted to learn something new... (watch the video)
I WAS A CAR GUY... And I just quit my old job.

"Half Million Dollar in Sales a Year"
Hey Chaddo been following you for some time with your blog. Wanted to day thank you for your google local shares. I was able to create a party company that is doing about half million dollar in sales a year.A lot of that marketing was from you or you inspired it and i ran with it and other ideas.
For some reason it doesn't show friend request for me to add. If you can request it so i can follow you.
All the best..
- Miami Mike!

"Was Able To Generate Several Thousand Dollars"
It took a little time for me to get it running (I'm not very good with technology) but it got me on Page 1 of Google for several accounts.The best one was for a local retailer who had three stores in my home town. The owner was quite happy with what he said was a threefold influx of traffic in his stores and credited many sales to the incremental traffic.
The account is an affiliate of mine that has 200 stores and an online store.
I've also tried it for another affiliate and was able to generate several thousand dollars so far in a grey hat situation.
Bottom line--it's working for me and I've made money on it and will continue to work it
- Thomas Oboyle, aka toboyle9

"Closest Thing to Winning the Lottery That I Have Ever Experienced"
You shouldn't buy this unless you are ready for a stampede of traffic. I know that sounds like a come-on but I am just giving you fair warning from my experience.I have bought several products on traffic generation but they took a lot of work and brought little results.
I had a product that was making me a little money off of what little traffic I could get since it was a competitive product. (I'm talking around $75 a month).
Although I haven't had much success with internet marketing before, I purchased the course and followed the instructions.
It is not a magic wand to success, there is some work involved but this is the closest thing to winning the lottery that I have ever experienced.
I used the product I had experience with and spent a week putting the course into practice and waited.
After a month or so I was surprised to find out I was making around $1,000 a month off that one little site.
You can get to the top of page 1 in Google for a lot of keywords (but not all) with this product in a short amount of time.
But you do have to put in some work. If you are looking for a magic wand, this is not for you.
I am working on expanding this to many more sites and I am forever grateful to Chad Kimball for creating this course.
- Tony Lorenzo

"81 Year Old Marketer-- I used Your System Immediately No. 1 For My Area!"
There is not many people who I can say to them, “I look forward to your emails.” For you, I can say this.My name is Ralph Morton an 81 year old marketer, I tell you this because I want to say I admire the way you do business.
I have learned so much, too much I have to say, for it is a lot to take in.
However, I know your Google maps works and anything you come up with next is going to be appreciated. I know the maps for sure works.
Fortunately, my site has what you say is important to make the Google maps work... so I just used your system and I was immediately No.1 for my area.
Not only for the town I live in, but the towns within 60 or 70 miles.
Well, No.1 for the town I live in, not No.1 (but darned close to it) for the rest of the towns.
This is not an easy keyword. This is what amazes me. Now you understand why I am excited.
Try [keyword removed] Surrey, Vancouver. Well, Vancouver is a big city. I am on the second page in North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Burnaby, Abbotsford.
There are other towns around but I haven’t had time to check.
Sure suprized me how well it worked.
- Ralph Morton

"OMG this really is more like 3 courses rolled into one"
Once again Chad and Seth have really over-delivered quality information on their topic.As a working SEO consultant I can confirm that this is absolutely the best and most thorough course on Google places ever produced.
Much of the information contained within, I have until now only wished was possible, but never had the time to figure out for myself.
Thankfully I now just need to apply these shortcuts rather than stumble along trying to figure them out myself.
This is a HUGE time-saving and would more than justify a much higher price for this course.
Happily Chad’s style of teaching takes you step by step through all the stages needed to achieve similar results, and simplifies a somewhat complex method so that it is, for the most part easy to follow and implement.
All this at a pace that makes the learning interesting and understandable.
The main thing is that if you just follow the steps (in the order that Chad lays out) you will achieve fantastic results and most importantly not be penalized for making (in the eyes of Google) mistakes.
This is the 4th product I’ve purchased and so far each one has made me (and the IRS) richer and continue to do so.
I already know this course will be no exception and quite possibly better the previous ones.
Lastly I can also confirm (personal experience) that Chad and Seth’s customer support is superb (7 days a week) and they quickly sorted out a payment problem for me (no they did not pay for me so that I was able to purchase this course, whilst at the same time thanking me.
Great Product + Good Customer Support + 365 Day Guarantee + Affordably Cheap Price = No Brainer to buy!!!!
- John Macdonald

"Went from an average of $1,200 per month to over $2,400"
I will be honest to tell you that my expectations beforegetting Google Maps Cash is that it would enhance my existing efforts, and it absolutely did.
The program did improve my sales numbers and exposure.
I have a ton of previous experience and the techniques that Chad gives can and do work.
It is a bit overwhelming in that there is a lot of information and you could get a bit confused about where to start.
My suggestion is give it time. (implement one technique a month until you master it) I think Google Maps Cash does deliver on it's promises and if it is used regularly can 100% improve your business.
Just one affiliate site I own went from an average of $1,200 per month to over $2,400 .
The key here is product.
So don't judge on $, judge on traffic. You must implement the entire program and that can be exhausting if you are not up to it.
But being someone who is highly involved in internet marketing and approaches it as a business (not a pastime or hobby) You get out of it what you put in and I would bet most people are passive and want instant results.
Some results are quick and some you have to work on depending on your niche.
I highly recommend Google Maps Cash to people who are willing to work it. It works!
- Jstdrumn
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